Elcometer Powder Coating Inspection Kit

Elcometer Powder Coating Inspection Kit

Product Description

The Powder Coating Inspection Kit covers all eventualities in the powder inspection process. Elcometer has produced this kit to enable the inspection of powder coatings on all surfaces.

The digital Elcometer 415 is suitable for measuring the coating thickness on smooth surfaces and the Elcometer 1542, designed for testing the adhesion of the coating, is also included.

Measurement parameters include:
• Surface inspection
• Coating thickness
• Adhesion

Elcometer Powder Coating Inspection Kit can be used in accordance with:

• AS 1580.408.4
• AS/NZS 1580.108.1
• ASTM B 499
• ASTM D 7091
• ASTM E 376
• ISO 2360
• ISO 2808-12
• ISO 2808-7C
• ISO 2808-7D
• NF T30-124


Elcometer Powder Coating Inspection Kit – Specifications

Part NumberDescription
YKITPOWDER-1MElcometer Powder Coatings Inspection Kit
Dimensions360 x 300 x 120mm

Data Sheet

Elcometer Powder Coating Inspection Kit – Data Sheet

Elcometer Powder Coating Inspection Kit Data Sheet


Elcometer Powder Coating Inspection Kit – Standards

• AS 1580.408.4
• AS/NZS 1580.108.1
• ASTM B 499
• ASTM D 7091
• ASTM E 376
• ISO 2360
• ISO 2808-12
• ISO 2808-7C
• ISO 2808-7D
• NF T30-124