Physical Test Equipment

When assessing a coating for suitability for a particular application the testing of the physical properties (Physical Test Equipment) such as bendability, impact resistance, hardness, washability and abrasion resistance are all required to provide information for decision making. Testing of the pigments using fineness of grind gauges, determining the specific gravity of the coating using density cups, measuring the viscosity using viscosity cups or rotational viscometers and assessing the drying time all provide information for the coating technical data sheets.

Film applicators and test charts provide repeatable test condition for films of a variety of products including paints, inks, glues and cosmetics by controlling the application process so that tests such as hiding power and opacity can be carried out.

Viscosity Cups / Meters

The extent to which a liquid resists a tendency to flow is defined as viscosity. In the coatings industry, this behaviour is one of the key parameters. Physical Test Equipment includes instruments to measure Viscosity.

Elcometer manufactures and supplies a wide range of viscosity flow cups and dip cups, as well as viscosity calibration oils.

Fineness of Grind Gauges

From the development of coatings and inks in the laboratory to testing during the production process, quick and precise measurement techniques required for reliable and repeatable results.

Fineness of grind gauges comprise of stainless steel blocks in which either one or two channels are precision ground in a uniformly increasing depth from zero at one end to a specified depth at the other, identified by the scale on the gauge.

Elcometer takes special care in their manufacturing to ensure that the highest level of precision and quality is maintained for all their gauges in order to comply with the requirements of the industries where the grinding process is involved, particularly in the fields of wet paints and powder, varnishes, printing inks and the cosmetics industry.

Gloss / Appearance

Visual gloss appearance can determine a person’s perception of a product. Colour and Gloss are two key parameters that are used to define a product’s overall quality. Perception is subjective, but Elcometer’s range of glossmeters, DOI meters and colour assessment equipment can quantify appearance measurement.

The ability of a surface to reflect light without scattering is known as gloss. Using a glossmeter, gloss is measured by directing a constant intensity light beam at a fixed angle to the test surface and then by monitoring the amount of reflected light at the same angle. Different surfaces require different reflective angles.

A material’s ability to absorb certain wavelengths of light and reflect others is defined as its colour. For example a black material reflects no light across the complete colour spectrum. A pure white material reflects all of the light, whilst all other colours reflect light at different points of the spectrum. Colour is quantified by the material’s Red, Green and Blue (RGB) values.

Appearance measurement is a way of putting numbers to characteristics of surfaces that we see. The ability to independently quantify appearance allows for products to be similar whenever and wherever the product is manufactured or coated.

BAMR provide a comprehensive range of hand held instruments to measure most of the individual characteristics that generate the overall appearance of a material or coating.

Physical Test Equipment Elcometer 2434, 2435, 2436, 2437 FRIKMAR Viscosity Cups with Handle Elcometer 2410 Standard Viscosity Oils for Calibration Physical Test Equipment Elcometer 3520 Baker Film Applicator Physical Test Equipment Elcometer 4340 Range of Motorised / Automatic Film Applicators