Agriculture Moisture Meters

Agriculture moisture meters can be split into instruments that measure the moisture of:

Grain – The Grainmaster “i” Moisture Meter

Bales – The Digital Balemaster Moisture Meter

Multi Purpose – The Speedy Moisture Meter which can be used for most applications including soil, stone and sand.

The Grainmaster “i” Moisture Meter is a highly versatile instrument to measure the moisture and temperature of crops. The meter is pre-programmed with 15 crop calibrations, each of which can be adjusted individually if required, for matching with respect to commercially used instruments. It is supplied with an integrated grinder-compressor unit that enables the user to take moisture readings in ground samples quickly and simply.

The Digital Balemaster Moisture Meter is a simple-to-use, hand held instrument, which displays the results on a large LCD Digital Display. The probe is made from strong durable stainless steel and is 600mm long to reach the centre of big bales. Monitoring of moisture in hay and straw during bailing, and before storage, is very important. High levels of moisture can lead to discolouration and will support the growth of moulds and fungi.

Knowledge of the moisture content of soils and construction materials is of great importance to engineers involved with the construction of roads, bridges and other civil structures. Throughout the world, the Large Speedy Moisture Tester is used on construction sites to establish the percent moisture content (%MC) of these materials before the actual construction work commences.The Speedy Moisture Tester is a portable, sampling instrument, used to determine the moisture content of a broad range of materials. It comprises a hand held vessel, incorporating a pressure gauge and a precision balance mounted in an integral carry case.

Grainmaster Balemaster Agriculture Moisture Meters Speedy Ashworth Calcium Carbide Moisture Meter

Agriculture Moisture Meters

Grainmaster “i” Moisture Meter

Digital Balemaster Moisture Meter

Speedy Ashworth Calcium Carbide Moisture Meter