Gloss / Appearance

Visual gloss appearance can determine a person’s perception of a product. Colour and Gloss are two key parameters that are used to define a product’s overall quality. Perception is subjective, but Elcometer’s range of glossmeters, DOI meters and colour assessment equipment can quantify appearance measurement.

The ability of a surface to reflect light without scattering is known as gloss. Using a glossmeter, gloss is measured by directing a constant intensity light beam at a fixed angle to the test surface and then by monitoring the amount of reflected light at the same angle. Different surfaces require different reflective angles.

A material’s ability to absorb certain wavelengths of light and reflect others is defined as its colour. For example a black material reflects no light across the complete colour spectrum. A pure white material reflects all of the light, whilst all other colours reflect light at different points of the spectrum. Colour is quantified by the material’s Red, Green and Blue (RGB) values.

Appearance measurement is a way of putting numbers to characteristics of surfaces that we see. The ability to independently quantify appearance allows for products to be similar whenever and wherever the product is manufactured or coated.

BAMR provide a comprehensive range of hand held instruments to measure most of the individual characteristics that generate the overall appearance of a material or coating ie the Gloss Appearance.


The ability of a surface to reflect light without scattering is known as Gloss. Gloss is measured by directing a constant power light beam at an angle to the test surface and then by monitoring the amount of reflected light. Different surfaces require different reflective angles. BAMR Glossmeters cover the range necessary to measure almost any surface from high gloss to matt, from large to small surfaces – flat or curved.

Gloss Appearance Gloss Meters