
When a hand appears on a picture when moving your cursor around “click” to see more details

Click “Home” to get back to our Home Page & an introduction to our company

Click on “Products” to see a list of Categories that we represent
Move the cursor across to a category of your interest, which will be highlighted & will take you through to further sub categories or to the Product of interest.
If you are interested in any particular category Click on it see all the instruments in that Category. Click on any sub category to see the instruments under that category.

Click “Blog” for upcoming and current events, and to see latest instruments & news in the industry

Place cursor on “Support” to have the option of :

  • Downloads and Software
  • Videos
  • Elcomenter eNews
  • Catalogues for latest Catalogues
  • Corrosion Institute
  • Discontinued Products
  • Navigation to get to this page
  • Converter – to convert from Imperial to Metric or similar
  • International Standards
  • Velocity of Materials to see the Speed of Sound through different materials
  • Weblinks

Move the cursor down & Click on either of these options to get to more detailed options.

Place cursor on “Contact Us” to have the option of filling in an Enquiry Form, seeing our Contact Details or Emailing us.

Type in the Search Box at the top right & click “Search” to find any instrument or key word that you are looking for.